The Irish and Serbian dairy teams plan to build a work programme of work in areas of mutual interest – believed to be the first of its type in Europe. Such collaborative efforts form the basis of European endeavour.
The ideas range from bilateral study visits to research to incorporate geographical consideration and so leverage the strengths of both institutions to contribute to our wider European Dairy ambitions in the Vocationally Excellence space.

Speaking about her visit to the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Belgrade, Dr Joanne Uí Chrualaoich said that she was delighted to meet with the Serbian faculty and staff (both early career researchers and senior academics) to discuss a wide range of topics related to dairy education, careers, and research.
Furthermore, Joanne references the significance of the interpersonal relationships she has established with Profs Miocinovic and Miloradovic as being key to facilitating the ease at which UCC and Uni Belgrade have come together to start work on important dairy themes. She extends a personal thank you to both women for their support and for arranging such an interactive, multi-thematic visit. Hopefully the team will also visit Cork in the not-too-distant future.